Room/Location: Exhibition Hall - SLAS Booth Theatre (#433)
Join us in the SLAS Booth Theater for a unique opportunity for Students and Early Career attendees to gather advice and knowledge from the life science industry’s top professionals. Emerging scientists, like yourself, will be interviewing top industry professionals on their experiences in turning failures and challenges into success. We welcome session attendees to ask our industry experts questions on how to navigate the world of science, technology and industry as a young scientist.
Panel Participants Student and Early Career Interviewers
Pau Esteve Innovation Project Manager & Tech Transfer, Parc Taulí Hospital Universitari and President, Young European Biotech Network
Winston Chiu, Operations Manager, KU Leuven
Industry Professionals
Melanie Leveridge, Vice President Discovery Biology at AstraZeneca
Jack Dawson, VP, European Operations, HighRes BioSolutions