Full Professor - Director
University of Calabria - CNR (IBIOM)
Bari, Puglia, Italy
Cesare Indiveri is PI of the Biochemistry, Molecular Biotechnologies and Molecular Biology Lab, University of Calabria and Director of the National Research Council Institute IBIOM. He is an expert in the field of membrane transporters. Cesare Indiveri supervised 15 PhD students and more than 100 undergraduated students for master thesis. His research interests cover several aspects of nutrition and metabolism in health and diseases with particular reference to absorption, distribution and excretion of nutrients and drugs. He is also involved in drug-design projects and with his group created a platform for protein expression, purification, functional characterization and ligand interaction in in vitro/in vivo systems. Over the years, Indiveri created a network of international collaborations with experts in the fields of membrane transporters. Indiveri is co-author of more than 180 publications and co-inventor of an international patent.
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Academic Drug Discovery Topical Interest Group
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
13:15 – 14:00 CEST